woensdag 8 augustus 2012

Prayer for Australia


Sanctuary Renewed Connection(see below*)

      We Start on wednesday  August 8th a novena(9 days prayer). Please join us!

Sit in silence and direct yourself to God,Goddess or however you want to call him or her or IT .It`s up to you.


May the light come back in the eyes of the Indigenous  people in Australia
May the  Indigenous people in Australia get back their self-esteem.
May the Indigenous people of Australia  get  the connection again with their roots,spirits,dreamtime.
May they feel inside themselves that Australia and The World needs them!
May they forgive themselves whatever they have to forgive themselves.

May the Non-indigenous  People in Australia stop thinking ,acting like they are better than the original inhabitants of Australia.
May they get the conviction that we are all one. With differences but equal.
May they forgive themselves and the ancestors for their behavior against the Indigenous  people of Australia.

May there be healing for both parties and may they  overcome the feeling of separation
May they all come together and saying to each other: I love you, I embrace you, lets celebrate our differences in the knowing: we are all one!

May there be a reconciliation on all levels!

And not our but Thy will prevail

Suur Maj

see next page

*Is a place where we want to connect with traditions from the four wind directions. Knowing that those wind directions and associated forces are essential for life on Earth. Physical, spiritual and religious.

In the knowing that the sacred feminine energy has to get a stronger voice, we will celebrate and welcome the many varieties of traditions. We will embrace and celebrate differences.

A place that gradually will manifest in a direction which currently is still unknown to us and already known by those who lead us.

Knowing that we are all one and, despite of the differences, coming from and are connected with the same source. The source of all sources. The primal source. And connected with the source of our own Knowing, the Divine Source in ourselves.
Knowing that everything in this world, in the universe is interconnected.And by realising that,it works like a command to Act. Outward and inward-oriented.

Especially inwards. Our individual field is connected to the collective field.

Knowing that everything we change in ourselves will influence the world. A change in ourselves, is changing the world.

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