dinsdag 4 oktober 2011

Is This about You?

  1. Is This About You?
    by Suur Maj
    We are all one. I’m one. You are one, and together we are one.
    Isn’t that amazing? We are never alone. Even the word alone means All-One.
    Isn’t that beautiful? It means there is no separation, only a difference, and in those differences we are all one. Isn’t this nice my friends? You are Bush, you are Sadam and you are Obama. Oh Yes! You and they are one and the same! If you can accept this you can look at them with compassion, with love, with peace. If you can accept this, you can look with compassion, with love and peace at yourself. What you see in them is you; the good and the bad. For in truth, there is no good and bad. It’s just name humans have given to it.
    Whether we blame somebody (i.e. Bush) or we praise somebody (Obama) it’s the same. We need somebody else to see the bad aspects of ourselves or to see the good aspects. In either case, we position it outside ourselves. We forget that we all have aspects of Obama and Bush in ourselves. Of course, none of this applies to you, just your neighbor.
    By looking at yourself, when you are looking at other people we can realize that we all are One. We can experience in that oneness the connection with ourselves, other people, God, or that power stronger than us. In that oneness we can experience the connection with animals and plants. Yes, with all that live, as well as, “inanimate” objects like buildings. All these things are a part of us, even weapons and ugly buildings. All remind us of something in ourselves. We don’t realize this and that’s why we see it in other people. We see the “splinter in other’s eyes and not the beam in our own eyes”.
    Don’t think you don’t have those spots. We all have them. Of course, we also have nice and beautiful parts, as well as, the shadowy parts, the things we hate in other people that irritate us, and the ugly buildings we can see everywhere. Be quiet and sit still for a while allow it fill your consciousness. It’s a part of you. Shine your light on it. It can fade away in you and in your outer world.
    All is one. This belongs to that. There is no bad and good. For how can there be a beautiful building if there wasn’t an ugly one? Let’s give thanks to the ugly one, because of it we can enjoy the beautiful one! And they all come from God. So, an ugly building is also beautiful in a certain way of the meaning. The same with people’s behavior. How could we be happy with Obama, if there was no Bush or Sadam? Tell me. But what we see in the outer world is our unconscious inner part. If we can stop that part in ourselves it won’t come any longer in our outer world.
    While I was thinking about this article something happened that gave me more information about what to do with that subject of oneness. I had a meeting where I was invited together with others to discuss and develop a blueprint for a new way of politics. We were told during a moment of silence and inner listening, that the most important aspect of that new way of politics to come is connection -being related to one another. That in order for this to happen it will take time to grow out of the old fashioned way of politics as we know it now. I was amazed that we all experienced the same thing but simply used different languaging!
    One evening we discussed a politician in Holland who is very outspoken in his ideas about strangers, especially Muslims. Most of our members in parliament were indignant every time this man said something bold. As we shared after our meditation and the accompanying moment of stillness, we realized that this gentleman was simply speaking out those parts in all of us that we bury and don’t acknowledge.
    One of the memebers of our group spoke of her resentment of a city in her “holiday”country that has changed dramatically after many years of influx of Russian immigrants. “The village is no longer the same,” she said. “It’s not my place as I know it any longer”, she said. I praised her for her honesty. Her example brought up a time I visited a hospital in the Hague. In an elevator were two Moroccan women clothed in their natural garb and speaking their own language.
    As they spoke in their natural language, I experienced a discomfort. Speak in your own language, I thought, then realized they were speaking in their own language. Nevertheless, I didn’t feel comfortable. While my opinion of myself is that a have a big heart and that everybody is welcome, nevertheless I was experiencing my own discriminatory feelings.
    Back to our attitude the boldly speaking member of Parliament:
    Being accepting of his sentiments, embracing them and seeing it as a part of ourselves, is the only way to grow as a people. By doing this you then help God. You can send love to those parts of yourself, to that man or all those in your life that cause irritation.
    One of us said, “Oh, this is like the Ho,oponopono!” She told a story of a man that was working for a prison as a psychologist to assist those within it had been decided were mentally disturbed criminals . The only thing he did for more than 3 years was read their files and saw what they did as parts of him. He gave thanks, he gave love, he said sorry and forgive me again and again. He didn’t see them any longer as criminals that had done bad things. He saw them as part of his world. And he felt responsibility for any part of his world.
    And he was convinced he could heal everything in his world. By saying:
    I Love You (with the universe/God/Goddess)
    Please forgive me (for the imperfection in my world)
    I am sorry (for the imperfection).
    Thank you (for the opportunity to heal the imperfection in my world).
    That man was Dr. Hew Len. An author by the name of Joe Vitale heard about Dr. Len, met with him and together they wrote a book called Zero Limits…healing the world with the Ho’oponopono. It’s a super story and more important it helps. Take any problem, situation you have and you don’t like. Make it yours and say the above mentioned sentences. Again and again.
    I did and the result is amazing. Because every problem, every situation you don’t like is an opportunity to renew your “old program”. So, what are you waiting for. No problems? No situations you dislike? Lucky You!?
    Another good exercise is from Neale Donald Walsh:
    The next time you're in a public place and you see something or someone who makes you angry or uncomfortable (for instance an inconsiderate person who cuts the line at the grocery store), just tell yourself…
    "There I go again, being inconsiderate."
    Modify that sentence according to the scenario. For instance if you encounter a rude bus driver, tell yourself "There I go again, being rude".
    The simple act of thinking these words will remind you that we are all in fact connected - and that what one person experiences or does is a part of a joint consciousness, embracing us all
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